Cosmic Energy Medicine

Soul Connection – “From You, To You”

“From You, To You”

There is nothing to fear as it pertains to making your Soul Connection.
The essence of the connection is all from the same field of energy…you!
The communication, vibrations, wisdom, gifts, blessings, manifestations and more are nothing more than energies that are given “From You, To You”.
There need be no guess work here in where the guidance and support is coming from as it all originates from the same source…you!
You were born with the ability to create your life with the words and pictures that move across the field of your mind.
It is you who creates every aspect of your life and you who lives out the experiences of those creations.
No matter what version of you you are dialed in to, every life experience always comes “From You, To You”.
No one else is responsible for your feelings, it is only you.
No one else can create for you, it is you that allows the construction of all thought form patterns in your mind.
You have all the power to do anything you want to do with your life, how you use your mind is completely up to you!