Cosmic Energy Medicine

The Saturn Precept

The initiation of all earthly success and positive planetary alignment begins with a single choice. This one decision has the weight and the power to change everything in your life in an instant. If for any reason you are not happy or fulfilled today than it is time to look at your relationship with Saturn and make the necessary adjustments. This is The Saturn Precept.

Saturn’s influence is paramount to stepping into your ability to live the life of your deepest desires. Without making this critical alliance with Saturn you will find yourself on the outside looking in on your life. Your relationship with Soul will be compromised and underdeveloped. Your tendency to stagnate or receive unexpected life struggles will be increased. The ability to tap into your highest creative potential will be diminished. Your ability to transform and transmute negativity will be sluggish and unsteady. Your abilities to heal yourself from within and uncover the core wounds that are holding you back will be challenged. The good news is that all of this can be easily remedied by moving into a conscious relationship with Saturn. 

If you have the appropriate relationship with Saturn, he will work very hard for you. His energy gives you a direct link to the Sun and connects you to your own personal standards if integrity. Connection to the Sun also gives you a direct pathway to Soul. It is your own integrity that influences your ability to interact with Soul. This is one of the more personal expressions of Saturn.

Saturn is also responsible for how you interface with the transpersonal planets. He has a specific function and engagement process with each of them. Uranus disrupts Saturn making sure that you are never too dormant or inactive and that you have the inner ability to move yourself forward. Neptune dissolves Saturn and all of the boundaries that hold you apart from adaptability and flexibility. When Neptune and Saturn are flowing properly, you gain access to your highest levels of creativity and insight. Pluto destroys Saturn as he acts in accordance with unconditional love. A harmonious balance between Pluto and Saturn can help to alleviate the turmoil and stress that come from deep life transformations and the revealing of truth at all costs. Chiron wounds Saturn and represents your own core spiritual wound. By coming to terms with your core spiritual wound, you inevitably activate your own innate healing abilities. Saturn helps you along this path by solidifying the bridge that Chiron makes between the personal and transpersonal planets. It is clear that having the right relationship with Saturn has many advantages.

Saturn also rules Gall Bladder Meridian which reinforces and adds dimension to the relationship. Gall Bladder Meridian, as it is very Saturnian in nature expresses itself as how you handle responsibility, decision making, and integrity. The Gall Bladder is responsible for providing you with courage, initiative, and boldness. A strong Gallbladder is indicated by high levels of personal determination and drive just as Saturn embodies the hard work and responsibility necessary for goal achievement. The best way to align with Saturn via Gall Bladder Meridian is to say what you mean and mean what you say.

Overall, you can accomplish the appropriate alignment with Saturn very quickly and easily. It is definitely a work in progress and something that you may have to re-commit to and revisit from time to time, but the relationship will always serve you as long as you are dedicated. It all begins by taking responsibility for the status of your current reality and your actions. You have to own every aspect of your life first, no matter where you are right now. There is tremendous power in being accountable for yourself. This is the base resonance of Saturn. If you are willing to own your position, Saturn will help you with the rest.

You cannot live in victim consciousness and expect to receive a tip of the hat from Saturn, it just won’t happen. But if you are ready and willing to accept your limitations as your own and take responsibility for how your life has turned out thus far, you can begin to step into the cosmic approval of Saturn. This is The Saturn Precept, a conscious agreement to take responsibility for your own life and actions and own your current state of reality. When you do this you unlock all of the doors that Saturn safeguards and gain access to the benefits and blessings that live behind them. If you are struggling in any way or for any reason the first thing you should always look at is your relationship with Saturn. It may take some time to figure out exactly what appropriate alignment with Saturn feels like for you but once you have this critical energetic aspect of life dialed in, you will never step out of your personal power again. Life is good when you have Saturn by your side and when you do it will be unmistakable.