Cosmic Energy Medicine

The Path of Progress

The Path of Progress uses alliteration in a fun way to help you connect to and commit to memory the energy and feelings that correspond to the creative process. The fastest and easiest way to step into your LightWork and start to experience the benefits of working with the positive energies of The Universe and Soul is to find a way to make a conscious mental connection with your constant stream of thoughts and feelings. This is the basis of your power and the control center of your existence.

If your mind and heart are open to the concept of The Technology of Conscious Creation, The Path of Progress will inevitably lead you onward and upward to your place of true fulfillment and happiness. The place where you saw yourself when you designed this lifetime before incarnating on this planet. Your happy place!!

The Path of Progress formula moves forward as follows where: POSSIBILITY + PERSISTENCE = PERMANENT

Your possibilities become endless as you strive to step into your creative power. The more you believe, the more you will receive.

Persistence is the critical component of the process. Never give up and you will always succeed. Without persistence, there is no process.

Over time by leveraging the power of persistence you will convert what is possible to what will become your permanent reality.

It cannot be emphasized enough that the key to The Path of Progress is PERSISTENCE. Intuitively you know that this is absolute truth. The Path of Progress then becomes a fun and easy way for you to remember that the key to accomplishing anything and everything you desire is nothing more than PERSISTENCE. As long as you keep going you will eventually end up exactly where you want to be, doing what you want to do, feeling great about yourself! The more you allow yourself to be open and directed in a positive way by the energies of Universe and Soul the more you will be supported from within and without to achieve the life that you were born to live. Open your POSSIBILITY with the power of your PERSISTENCE and you will find that the life you have always wanted will become your PERMANENT reality. YES!!! Believe it and go make it happen!