Cosmic Energy Medicine

The Chakras

The Rainbow Bridge

The most popular understanding of the bodies energy centers existing in today’s cultural awareness most certainly pertains to the chakras. They communicate on both physical and subtle levels and transmit information across every cell and atom of your being. The most common and well accepted explanation of the chakras comes from Hindu tradition which is similar to that of the Chinese but all definitions of the word chakra regardless of their origin are derived from the sanskrit word meaning “wheel of light.” The chakras are located in the cerebrospinal area of the body or the main branchings of the nervous system where they intertwine with the meridians. 

Root Chakra/Muladhara

Main Aspect: Security

Location: Base of the Spine

Related Organs: Bones, Adrenals Glands, Skeletal Structure

Color: Red

Sacral Chakra/Svadhisthana

Main Aspect: Sweetness

Location: Lower Abdomen

Related Organs: Sexual Organs, Bladder, Prostate, Kidneys

Color: Orange

Solar Plexus Chakra/Manipura

Main Aspect: Lustrous Gem

Location: Between Navel and Base of Sternum

Related Organs: Digestive System

Color: Yellow

Heart Chakra/Anahata

Main Aspect: Love/Relationships

Location: Center of the Chest

Related Organs: Respiratory and Cardiac System, Thymus Gland

Color: Green

Throat Chakra/Vishuddha

Main Aspect: Communication

Location: Throat

Related Organs: Vocal Cords, Mouth, Throat, Ears, Thyroid, Parathyroid

Color: Blue

Third Eye Chakra/Ajna

Main Aspect: Perception

Location: Above and Between the Eyebrows

Related Organs: Pituitary, Eyes

Color: Indigo

Crown Chakra/Sahasrara

Main Aspect: Spirituality

Location: Top of the Head

Related Organs: Upper Skull, Cerebral Cortex, Pineal Gland

Color: Purple

Soul Star Chakra

Main Aspect: Seat of the Soul

Location: Six Inches Above the Crown

Key Function: Sends Divine Light Directly to the Soul

Color: White and Gold

Earth Star Chakra

Main Aspect: Super Root

Location: 12-18 Inches Below Feet

Key Function: Connects Body and Soul with Earth’s Magnetic Core

Color: Brown/Black