Cosmic Energy Medicine

The Bridge – The Inception

“When You Build a Bridge, You Gain Access to New Territory.”

The Bridge

“One Metaphor with Multiple Messages”

The concept of “The Bridge” provides a mental and energetic construct that supports the theory that Cosmic Energy Medicine can produce the states of conscious expansion and active enlightenment that fuels steady evolutionary progress. What began as a visual guide for the importance of making the central energy channel wider and more stable has now progressed into an insightful explanation as to how cosmic and spiritual energy connects and is integrated all the way down to the physical realm. Building this bridge every week based on the current Cosmic Vibes and Planetary Downloads helps you gain access to the limitless cosmic potential that exists in the current moment. This bridge also offers you all of the guidance and support that lives and breathes within a distinct and effective Soul Connection. As a result, all of the most beneficial energies of the Universe organize to help you uncover your purpose and facilitate/accomplish your mission. Your life will take on a new sense of fulfillment as you find your way to Cosmic Happiness. Each bridge you build brings you closer to your own limitless perfection.


From the Physical Perspective

Initially, The Bridge was created out of the desire to make a more meaningful connection with the abdominal muscles and the back. Having a strong midsection helps your body to become an even more effective conduit and channel for Cosmic/Spiritual energy. Strength in this region helps to ground more energy into the physical realm and it boosts the quantity and quality of energy you are able to anchor into your individual energy field. This facilitates the ability to integrate, process, and anchor larger downloads of energy in, through, and around the entire physical body. From this perspective, the core is a bridge from the higher chakras to the lower chakras and a bridge between that connects the upper and middle dantian to the lower dantian. 

Building and strengthening your body as a physical bridge with Cosmic Energy Medicine begins by laying down the framework. Holding in your abs in you go through the exercises will help you gain strength and muscle tone. Proper abdominal engagement and posture builds functional fitness levels and burns more fat for energy as well. You will build on this foundation with targeted standing ab and back sequences that help you to further manifest your bridge and change the shape of your physical body. Finally, you will hit the floor for the deep core and back work adding strength and flexibility to your midsection and helping you to sculpt and tone the body you have always wanted. 

Regular engagement through “The Bridge” improves your posture, helps you burn more calories even while at rest, and increases your overall feeling of self-confidence. The more you work it, the stronger you will get and as you increase your strength you will also increase your ability to pull in more energy for integration, processing, and anchoring.

From the Energetic Perspective

Once we have completed the cycle from Cosmic-Vibes and Planetary Downloads all the way through Meridian Muscle Training enough times a pathway is forged in our consciousness where all of the appropriate channels and structures are laid down to create your bridge to limitless cosmic potential. Each bridge establishes a strong energetic linkage which resides in the foundation of your energy body. This foundation exists because you intend it to exist. The connections that you make become tangible because of your thoughts and actions. The process is all encompassing as it connects Soul with mind, heart, and body.

Each bridge you construct and anchor has a different energy signature. It is through working with these energies that you will be able to more intimately determine who you are, what you need, and how to move forward. Additionally, this allows you to design an increasingly more sophisticated and elaborate energy body, offering you the ability to utilize and mobilize more and more energy. The more energy you can regulate, the more energy you have available to manifest your desires, complete your tasks, and facilitate your purpose. There is definitely a sweet spot where you can begin to master conscious, deliberate creation and get more of what you want more frequently. Finding it and living there is how Cosmic Happiness is initiated.