Cosmic Energy Medicine

Student Testimonials

“Helping others is my JAM!!! This journey began many years ago with my LIVE classes which proved to me that my ideas and energy could be beneficial for all types people. It means everything to me that I can be a source of education and inspiration for my students! Over the years I have heard many stories about how my class has made a difference for someone. My most heartfelt dream is that I can expand my offering and help everyone I can with Cosmic Energy Medicine!”

Cory Soul Star

"Enerobics with Cory is GREAT FUN!!!"

“Cory is motivational, energetic, and relates well with her students. I always feel ready to take on the world after her class.”

 -Lyn Becker

"Thank you so much for developing Enerobics!!"

“As a competitive Ironman triathlete everyone is always asking me how I do what I do in athletics. The answer is the connection between the mind & body. You have figured out how in an hours time to blend a high energy workout that taps into the mental visualization that is needed to activate the power of the mind & body. This is normally a secret that professionals do not share and yet you are determined to share it with as many adults and children as possible. My schedule is busy like everyone else’s now a days… You have made it possible for me to set aside an hour a day to tap into the mind & body. This is a great addition to my weekly routine. Thank you again for developing Enerobics. See you soon!”

 -Tim Schaum

"I LOVE Enerobics!"

“I LOVE Enerobics! Enerobics is the workout that is fun, relaxing and can make you sweat at the same time! The workout session goes by fast! Enerobics is the quick and painless way to get in shape and get what you want!”

 -Gina R.

"This isn't a class I have to is a class I WANT to take!"

“Enerobics is an extremely energizing class! When I leave the class I also feel at peace with myself and relaxed.” 

-B. Resnick

"This class delivers a feast for mind and body! Enjoy!!"

“I heartily recommend Enerobics as an essential portion of any daily health and well-being regimen. It not only delivers potent physical movement but, additionally, it nourishes the soul while serving up food for further thought. Enjoy!”

-Mona Epstein

"Cory you gave me that ability. No lie."

I am so happy to be catching up❤ little update on me! I am in Richmond va graduating this spring and heading to Bali this summer to become a yoga teacher? then heading to become a Chiropractor in the fall! On a more energy level note. My goodness am I an evolved human since we were cleaning our auras at palm beach! My priorities and my beliefs are centered and strengthen. My father suffered from a stroke two years ago and from that day everything changed. I am his caretaker he is my sweet dad that lost his previous life and independence. Now when I tell this story it’s a long one for sure! But this is where your teachings came into play. I kid you not I would sit next to him (almost lifeless in the ICU hospital bed) and send all my energy to the universe asking for signs asking help asking to take the weight from me. You gave me that ability. You taught me to release what burdening me. I was told he would never walk talk and eat again. Yet I meditated beside him everyday hoping for a sign that it will be okay. 

So two years later. He is living in a care facility, walking, eating, and functioning as almost an independent man. He cannot speak yet but when he does say a few words my goodness are they lovely. I have come to appreciate small successes like getting his shoes on and bringing the fork to his mouth. I have released all my ridiculous hopes and needs for his healing. I love him all the same.

 Cory you gave me that ability. No lie. I had to tools to navigate this change and create a happier situation. I am so grateful. I feel the strongest and most content so far.

 Thank you for letting me share and thank you for opening the portal for us to communicate again.

 Please update me❤❤

 I look forward to accessing your Enerobics!

 Sending love,

 Hannah Tufts

"This class just feels different!"

 “Every time I leave the class I feel refreshed and lighter, as if whatever was holding me back has escaped my mind and given me a new sense of clarity. Enerobics helps me lift the fog from my mind, all of a sudden everything is clear.” 

-Melanie Carucci