Cosmic Energy Medicine

The Super/Aspect Pattern Bridges

Opportunities for Significant Evolutionary Progress

Energy flows from: Planets ⇔ to Meridians ⇔ to corresponding Muscle Group for Physical Connection

Pertains to rare and unique Cosmic Energy Medicine aspects.

Connects and intermixes high essence potential energy directly with the physical body.

Specifically details how to spiritually, energetically and intellectually maximize vibrational energy.

Can help to produce beneficial outcomes for both GIFT and GROWTH opportunities.

Same rules as the Coupled/Aspect Bridges but power-packed with more long-term, potential energy.

Open Soul, heart, mind, and energy to “Big Picture” life events to be investigated comprehensively.

If approached properly can create life changing events and heightened personal mastery.

Must be acted upon accordingly in order to receive the benefits of the energetic flow.


The Stellium Aspect Pattern is defined as having three or more planets in the same sign. The closer the planets come to conjunction the stronger and more influential is the effect. The more personal planets involved will also increase the level of impact. 


Sometimes referred to as the “Finger of God”, the Yod Aspect Pattern occurs when one planet is linked by two quincunxes (150°) while simultaneously two planets are linked by a sextile. The focal point is the planet linked by quincunx to the two other planets. Although the sextile creates a stimulating flow of energy, the planetary focal point may be subject to mild stress or discomfort. This tension can be alleviated through thoughtful action and careful decisiveness. 

Grand Trine

The Grand Trine Aspect Pattern is defined as three planets being in the same element all forming a trine to each other. A Grand Trine forms an equilateral triangle which in Sacred Geometry represents purity, therefore a Grand Trine expresses the purity of the element it is expressing. Grand Trines have the ability to build tremendous momentum. This will generally be experienced in a positive, desirable way unless you are trying to act in the opposite direction of the flow of the trine. 


The Kite Aspect Pattern is a Grand Trine with one of those three planets having an opposition with a fourth planet. The fourth planet that is in opposition also sextiles the other two planets. A Kite can be interpreted as a Grand Trine with a point of view where the opposition gives the Kite a defined sense of direction. The planet in the Grand Trine that is being opposed becomes this focal point. The two sextiles from the remaining two planets create the opportunity to activate the energetic potential/channel created by the opposition. 

In order for a Kite to provide positive outcomes, directional shifts, or life changes they must be acted upon with the intention of releasing the energy through the planet and sign of the focal point of the Grand Trine.

Mystic Rectangle

The Mystic Rectangle occurs as two pairs of oppositions are sextile one another. Sum total the Mystic Rectangle is comprised of two sextiles, two trines, and two oppositions. With the right amount of conscious effort the Mystic Rectangle can provide immense balance and structure between the planets in aspect creating a flow of friendly correspondence. Finding the balancing point between the two oppositions can be a exercise in trial and error, but once the balance point is identified and acted upon it creates a strong foundational core.

Grand Cross

The Grand Cross Aspect Pattern is defined as four planets all in the same modality. The Grand Cross forms two pairs of oppositions connected by four squares.


The T-Square Aspect Pattern is defined as three planets in the same modality consisting of two squares and one opposition. 


The Wedge configuration is one-half of the Mystic Rectangle configuration. Here there are three planets connected by one opposition, one sextile, and one trine. Wedges consist of the same polarity of elements by being either masculine (Air and Fire) or feminine (Earth and Water). Masculine wedge energies have a tendency to be more active in nature urging you to make your intentions know while under this placement. Conversely, the feminine wedge energies are much more laid-back while encouraging a sense of calm and stable perseverance and dedication. Overall, wedge energies are mild and do not generally require a tremendous amount of transmutation to ensure alignment with positive vibrations and frequencies.

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