Cosmic Energy Medicine

The Solfeggio Frequencies

Sound as a Vehicle for Source Alignment

Everything is energy and as a result, everything resonates to its own particular vibration or frequency. Since your physical body is primarily made of water, sound waves can penetrate your energy field very easily to help you either establish or reinstate a more harmonious vibrational frequency. By listening to the Solfeggio Frequencies you increase your potential to merge with the Universe, connect with Soul, and bring into alignment anything you wish to balance or change.

The very simple act of striking a tuning fork and listening to its precise and sparkling tone can deliver you to a completely different state of mind and mood in an instant. Inner peace and deep healing become possible with the use of these frequencies as they are quick to penetrate both the conscious and subconscious minds to clear stagnant energy and restore equilibrium across the entire five body system. The Solfeggio Frequencies offer you the unique opportunity to align with the vibrations and tones that form the basis of the Universe.

Historically, the Solfeggio Frequencies are believed to be the original tones that were chanted by the Gregorian Monks in meditation. Over time the Solfeggio Frequencies were lost because tuning systems changed from the initial tuning style called “Just Intonation” to what is used today or the “Twelve Tone Equal Temperament.” The differences in the two systems of tuning are enough to change our modern day musical notes in ways that effect how we perceive them energetically based on the original Solfeggio scale. It was Joachim Ernst-Berendt, German music journalist and jazz producer that stated, “Our modern scale can create situations such as ‘boxed-in’ thinking, stuffed and suppressed emotions, fear-based or lack consciousness, all of which then tend to manifest into physical symptoms called ‘dis-ease’ or disease.” We can easily soften these potentials with regular engagement in Solfeggio flow.

The Nine Solfeggio Frequencies Unveiled

174 Hz – 285 Hz – 396 Hz – 417 Hz – 528 Hz – 639 Hz – 741 Hz – 852 Hz – 963 Hz

174 Hz – Cosmic Pain Relief

Lowest of the tones, 174 Hz appears to have natural analgesic qualities. Removes pain on both physical and spiritual levels. Supports your internal organs with an infusion of security, safety, and love restoring them to their optimal state.

285 Hz – Remember and Restore

285 Hz has direct access to your Divine Blueprint and can help you re-establish the perfection of your physical body in all ways. The functional style of 285 Hz is to “Remember and Restore.” 285 Hz knows the quality and intention of your original design and she causes your body and cells to remember and begin the process of restoration. Because of this she is also good for treating all types of damaged tissue including but not limited to: wounds, cuts and burns.

396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear

396 Hz helps you to transmute grief into joy by releasing any feelings of guilt that are holding you back in life. By removing guilt from your energy field it becomes easier to accomplish your highest dreams and aspirations. Also good for grounding, awakening, sobering, and returning to reality.

417 Hz – Undoing & Facilitating Change 

Eases the process of change by clearing away negative/traumatic experiences from the past, removing limiting beliefs, and encouraging your body to access its latent potential. Connects you to a powerhouse of useful energy.

528 Hz – DNA Repair & Miracles

Returns DNA to its original, pristine, estate filled with all of its hidden potentials connecting you with greatness in all areas of life. Positive side effects of DNA reparation include: better energy, enhanced creativity and intuition, inner peace, clarity of mind and intention, spiritual experiences, enlightenment. 528 Hz is the frequency of unconditional transformation.

639 Hz – Relationship Harmony

A tone that promotes communication, tolerance, love, and understanding helping you to establish relationship harmony. Also encourages the cells to communicate with their environment. May also be used for communication with parallel realities, other worlds, or spiritual spheres.

741 Hz – Expression, Solution, and Cleansing

Very diverse, 741 Hz has the ability to help you become more expressive and solution oriented. This allows you to get more of your needs met. She also cleanses your cells of toxins including electromagnetic radiation, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This tone leads you to a simplified, healthy life.

852 Hz – Intuition & Return to Spiritual Order

Directly connected to the Third Eye Chakra, this tone is excellent for increasing your powers of clairvoyance, psychic sight and inner strength. 852 Hz helps you to liberate the knowledge of your true self and experience self-realization. This vibration can be used to diffuse dormant and sluggish mental energy that has formed obstacles in the mind as a result of over-thinking or compulsive worry. 852 Hz also helps us to communicate with Soul and our Spirit Guides.

963 Hz – Soul Connection

This frequency helps you to facilitate Soul Connection and opens your opportunity to return to Oneness and re-establish your own original state of perfection and true nature.