Cosmic Energy Medicine

Planetary Retrogrades

Planetary retrogrades are an Earth-centric phenomenon that occur due to the Earth’s tilt and it’s apparent motion around the Sun. From an astronomical vantage point there are no retrogrades as the planets never actually move backwards. In astrology retrogrades occur because in astrology the Earth is considered the center of the Universe. The Sun and the Moon do not experience retrograde motion because the Earth orbits the Sun and the Moon orbits the Earth.

When a planet is retrograde it takes you in reverse and gives you the opportunity to take another look at the landscape that you have currently traversed based on the influence of the planet. This gives you a chance to look back over the past and see if there is anything that you have overlooked.  Planetary retrogrades also give you a moment to tweak any discordant or strained energy with the hopes of creating more favorable outcomes once the planet moves direct.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury – Communications

Retrograde Duration – Once every three months for three weeks.

Retrograde Highlights – Change, Revisiting Old Relationships, Flexibility, Communication Style, Hidden Motivations, Heightens Intuition, Strengthens Connection to the Etheric Realm, Increases Psychic Senses.

Venus Retrograde

Venus – Core Values

Retrograde Duration – Once every 18 months for six weeks.

Retrograde Highlights – The Heart Center, Heart and Mind Energetic Merger, Self-Image Overhaul, Core Values, Validation, Personal Worth, Innate Skills and Abilities, Determining Quality and Value of Relationships.

Mars Retrograde

Mars – Power and Passion

Retrograde Duration – Once every 2.2 years for up to eight weeks.

Retrograde Highlights – A Time to Slow Down, Own Personal Power, Evaluate Goals and Assess Progress, Action Step Planning for Purposeful Achievement, Start New Health or Weight Loss/Fitness Regimen.

Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter – Prosperity/Expansion

Retrograde Duration – Once per year for approximately four months.

Retrograde Highlights – A Time for Expansion, Manifestation, Harnessing Prosperity and Abundance, Making Career Changes, Open to Your Power to Receive, Move Out of Your Comfort Zone, Transcend Limitations.

Saturn Retrograde

Saturn – Accountability

Retrograde Duration – Once per year for approximately four months.

Retrograde Highlights – A Time to Take Personal Responsibility for Our Current Situation, Establishment and/or Reconfiguration of Boundaries, Diligent Effort and Discipline Pays Off, Patience is a Virtue, Slow and Steady.

Uranus Retrograde

Uranus – Higher Mind

Retrograde Duration – Once per year for approximately five months.

Retrograde Highlights – A Time to Break Free and Experience More Freedom and Independence, Flexibility is Highlighted as Change Occurs Instantaneously for Better or Worse, Take Risks, Be Adventurous. Expect the unexpected.

Neptune Retrograde

Neptune – Enlightenment

Retrograde Duration – Once per year for approximately five months.

Retrograde Highlights – A Time to Dive Deep Into Soul Connection/Life Purpose/One True Path, Dream State Enhancement, Deeper Connection to the Spiritual Realm.

Pluto Retrograde

Pluto –  Transformation

Retrograde Duration – Once per year for approximately five months.

Retrograde Highlights – A Time of Transformation Due to the Shedding of Outmoded Thoughts, Feelings, Beliefs, Habits, and Patterns, Stepping Into Your Personal Power.

Chiron Retrograde

Chiron – Deep Healing

Retrograde Duration – Once per year for approximately five months.

Retrograde Highlights – A Time of Recollection and Re-connection to Childhood Issues, Healing of Old Wounds that Keep You Stuck in the Past, Deep Energy Clearing.