Cosmic Energy Medicine

Planetary Downloads

“Choose Your Higher Consciousness Essence and Change Your Life One Download at a Time.”

Each planet represents different aspects of who we are within. They embellish and correlate to every aspect of humanity on all levels energetic, mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical. The planets guide us toward our greatness by showing us where to look and what needs to be done. They are always communicating and transferring information. Even if we don’t acknowledge them, they are still impacting our daily existence in some subtle way. The planets are here to help you and their energy and corresponding power is readily available to be downloaded at will by simply setting the intention to connect and receive.

By following weekly astrological trends we come into alignment with what Soul and Universe have in store for us from the highest and best vantage point. Every aspect, progression, placement, and retrograde has a specific meaning and purpose that is deeply understood within, even in the absence of our conscious awareness. Knowing or understanding what is happening cosmically is not necessary, everyone is impacted by the flow of energy whether it is internally acknowledged or not. No one on the planet can function outside of the ebb and flow of planetary energy. It is part of us at the most fundamental level of our being. This connection symbolizes and personifies our strongest assets and greatest power. We are extremely fortunate to have the intelligence, protection, and love that comes from this energy. When we follow the plan we can effectively build our bridge.

The archetypal energies of each of the personal planets live within us. Harmonizing chosen planetary essences in the form of a Planetary Download opens the potential energy and removes obstacles from our path, clearing the way for guidance and support to emerge. As we learn to incorporate and cooperate with these energies, we increase our ability to create the experiences we want to live. Planetary downloads help you to receive exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. Each Planetary Download is one-of-a kind as each individual is unique in their consciousness and energetic constitution. Opening up to and receiving weekly Planetary Downloads can help you to move forward in every area of your life.   

The way that the planets move around the zodiac in the sky gives us clues as to what we should be working on, when we should be working on it, and how we should go about it at any given time. The key to successful planetary downloading is to set your download dial to the highest and best expression of what is possible in the moment. Planets function at the level of essence and the way that essence chooses to express itself can take many different forms. If we intentionally choose to align with the qualities of the planet that we are striving to master or obtain, we can attract the energy and experiences that coordinate with that intention. In short, we become what we picture in our mind, what we believe, and what we think about everyday. 

You can take comfort in knowing what frequencies you are dealing with when you work with the Planets. Once you capture their essences and move into cosmic coherence with them you will have constructed an energetic framework for direct encounter and experience of their energy. You may not always know exactly how the energy will express, but if you set your intention to experience the highest level essences of each planet, you set yourself up for success to follow close behind.

Design Your Own Planetary Download

“Choose Your Higher Consciousness Essence and Change Your Life One Download at a Time.”

The planets are here for us. Their power, wisdom, and love is so magnanimous it is difficult for the human mind to comprehend. The energies of the personal planets already live within us, by connecting with them we are really just choosing to go deeper within ourselves. The planets help us to access our innermost self and longings. They bring what needs to be acknowledged directly to the surface where we can decide what should be encouraged and what can be released. 

When we set the intention to attract specific higher consciousness planetary essences, we make the active choice to align with the most beneficial frequencies of the Universe. Your Planetary Download can be designed due to specific Cosmic-Vibes or tailored to enhance something that you are currently working to bring into your life. Once you have a basic understanding of each planets intention and function you can get started. Your inner light will expand as you assimilate these vibrations.

A planets particular position color the energy that the planet is emanating at any given time, but it never changes the fundamental nature of the planet. While you never know exactly how a planet will express in any given moment, you can surely make your own conscious decision as to what essences you would like to work with and integrate for your benefit. The planets are always available to you. Their energy is all-pervasive, you don’t need to make an appointment. Just set your intention and connect. It does not have to be an elaborate set up. Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes, think of the planet you want to connect with and focus on the essences you want to download. Concentrate your focus for a few minutes and thank the planet for their transfer of energy. Open your eyes and go about your day. When the energy, opportunities, and encounters start to show up in your life, take action and bring the next level of your dreams to the surface. Allow the process to work for you and it will.

The lower consciousness essences are equally valuable in the process of designing a Planetary Download. The lower consciousness essences work with our Emotional Guidance System (Moon) to show us when our thoughts and feelings need some inner management. As you familiarize yourself with the lower consciousness essences you will learn the important triggers for successful mental plane management. When these thoughts and feelings surface, it is up to you to change them and re-route your thinking to a more positive frequency. Get comfortable enough with each planet to know where these lower energies are coming from and then reach out for the corresponding higher consciousness essences. Let the planets harmonize within you. All you have to do is pay attention. With an open mind and an open heart we all have the ability to collaborate with the most beneficial flow of energy available, the energy that emanates from within. Everything we need already exists inside us, it is our responsibility and our greatest strength to know and understand this truth in the most profound way possible.