Cosmic Energy Medicine

The Personal Planets

Your Inner Archetypes, Mentors, and Guides for Every Area of Life

The Personal Planets

Everything You Want to Know about Yourself Can Be Expressed with the Energy of the Personal Planets

The seven personal planets are like an “Inner Advisory Board.” They are The Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The personal planets play a pivotal role in defining who you are, how you feel, where your mind is focused, what you think about, what you value, how you validate yourself, how you handle anger, what you are passionate about and the actions you take to accomplish your goals. They also influence your personal growth, good fortune and how you handle your responsibilities. Connecting with the essences of these guides allows you to experience the kind of support, direction, and encouragement that you can only get from those who are genuinely invested in your success at the deepest level. Everything and anything you want to know about yourself can be expressed using the energy of these dynamic celestial bodies.

To understand the role that each of the planets play in your consciousness and your life you have to get to know them on a deeper level. Sit and meditate on them one at a time. See what unique insights come up for  you. Talk to them either mentally or out loud. Ask them questions and expect to receive timely answers. Create their archetypes in your mind and familiarize yourself with each of their unique energy signatures. Be creative, use your imagination to add as much detail as possible to who they are and what they can do for you. There are so many ways you can bond with them and harmonize the flow of their energy. They are working for you and with you even in the absence of your acknowledgement. How much better could your life be if you approached them as your personal team of masterful guides and advisers?? They are here to assist you in making every area of your life better, better, and better.

The closer and more profound your relationship with each individual planet, the more in touch you become with your true inner nature.  The more you appreciate what they do for you the more you will be able to access their highest essences for expression in your daily life. The goal of working with them is to enhance your creative talents and abilities to the maximum level of your potential. Every exposure, every lesson, every observation adds to your creative competency and helps you to design your life with more and more exacting precision. Enjoy the support of the personal planets and get to know them well.

The Sun - Self-Realization

There is no doubt that the Sun is the most important planet in the sky. The luminosity of the Sun’s light alone is powerful enough to connect every human heart with the energy of the Universe.

The Moon - Emotional Guidance

The Moon steers your feelings, emotions, and intuition. The Moon is your Emotional Guidance System, she can be thought of as your emotional barometer as she comprises Emotional Guidance System.

Mercury - Communication

Mercury guides you in the domains of Information Technology, Data Collection, and Communication. He represents your mind, your intellect and your central nervous system. 

Venus - Core Values

Venus mentors you in establishing and adhering to your Core Values, the conceptual but infinite qualities of the Universe. Her influence is the essence of love and beauty.

Mars - Power & Passion

Mars directs you in the spheres of power and passion. He is action oriented and brave. He is your inner warrior who targets what you want and then goes out and brings it home for you.

Jupiter - Growth and Expansion

Jupiter, also known as “The Greater Benefic” guides you in the territories of growth, prosperity and expansion. He reflects your cheerful, optimistic, and generous nature.

Saturn - Accountability

Saturn mentors you in the areas of structure, order, responsibility and karma. He connects you to the Sun and helps to forge your path to self-realization as he leverages your integrity.