Cosmic Energy Medicine

The Outer Planets

Elevate Your Inner Awareness and Soar to New Heights

The Outer Planets

Beyond the far reaches of Saturn live the planets that can no longer be seen in the night sky with the naked eye. They play a critical role in the evolutionary progress of humanity which can still seem very personal although their energy does not live inside you. Their highly evolved, complex frequencies have influence on more of a generational level, but they are still very valuable guides. It provides great benefit for you to know them well and understand the role they play in your life. Their slower movement around the Sun and long retrograde cycles give you ample time and opportunity to assimilate their key energetic downloads that stimulate your enlightenment.

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are also known as the “Higher Octaves” of Venus, Mercury, and Mars. This relationship creates an energetic bridge between each pair of planets that connects their collective energy signature and dispenses a cascade of energy from lower to higher frequencies within Soul and across the Universe. Mental energy is explained and purified with the Mercury and Uranus octaval as Mercury governs the subjective, finite mind and Uranus the Universal, infinite mind. Our love expands via the Venus/Neptune octaval as Venus rules personal love and Neptune rules the more spiritual, Divine Love. Mars and Pluto complete the triplicity as they reflect the progression of pure transformation as it begins as a simple action step (Mars) and culminates in the rising of the Phoenix (Pluto). These three ordered pairs personify the evolution of their corresponding streams of consciousness. They embody and support the vastness of potential, inspiring you to keep moving forward as the process of evolution continues throughout infinity. By paying attention to their aspect with the personal planets you will learn even more about the potential energy of the current moment and what you can do to move yourself forward in every area of life. 

Uranus - Insight and Discernment

If Mercury represents your IT Department, Uranus would be considered your master programmer. There is a strength to his capabilities that help you to experience the lightning flash of a breakthrough. If you need to figure out a new way to do something, he is the one who encourages your progress.

Neptune - Source Connection and Enlightenment

When you hear the name Neptune you automatically think of water and feelings. She guides your more sensitive and compassionate side and draws out your ability to feel deeply for others. It is Neptune that helps you acknowledge the connection you have to everyone and everything. 

Pluto - Transformation and Renewal

Even though your mentor Pluto is the farthest distance away from the Sun, he still works tirelessly to help you transform. While Pluto definitely has a darker general connotation, this side of him really is just encouraging you to let go. When you do he can then proverbially take out the trash and follow through on the necessary cycles of rejuvenation, regeneration, and recycling just for your personal benefit.

Chiron - The Wounded Healer

Discovered in 1978, Chiron is best known as The Wounded Healer. He represents your core spiritual wound and in doing so he is able to guide you in the healing of that place within yourself. Your core spiritual wounds are the ones that have traveled along with you through multiple lifetimes and dimensions of consciousness. With the help of Chiron you can take comfort in knowing that everything will be, “Ok.”