Cosmic Energy Medicine

Meridian Muscle Training (MMT)

 “The Law of Correspondence in Action:  As Above, So Below”

Meridian Muscle Training

Your physical body is a conduit and channel for pure energy and it can be beautifully enhanced with (CCT)²The depth and dimension of Cosmic Energy Medicine is further upgraded with Meridian Muscle Training (MMT).

Specific muscle groups are governed and directed by specific meridian systems. Each meridian system is directly correlated to a sign of the zodiac. Every sign has its own planetary ruler. This is the correspondence point where eastern medicine meets western astrology and a quantum leap of energetic potential arises. It is not just a theory of energy or emotion, the planets really do live inside you.

The Energy Meridians

The Personification of Life Force Energy

Eastern Medicine looks at the body as a garden and health as a measure of integrity, adaptability, and continuity. This is much different than the western view of medicine where the body is looked at more like a machine and health is defined as the absence of disease. Eastern Medicine strives to see the individual as a whole. It prioritizes prevention of illness rather than the treatment of disease. Eastern Medicine focuses on balance and positive energy as the key to quality of life and longevity. At the core of Eastern Medicine sits the meridians.

The Meridian System is THE system of regulation of the physical body. These critical energy pathways are what allow us to sustain life. Each meridian flows into the next with timed precision helping the body to work as an integrated whole. Any blockage or interruption in the flow of energy of one pathway is experienced by the others. Meridians can be expressed in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual terms as they are multi-faceted in nature. Their ability to explain what is happening at the core of any condition with great accuracy exposes the hidden power that is contained deep within us. Simple understanding of the purpose and function of the meridians can lead to enlightenment on its own. By correlating the meridians to the archetypal energy of the planets, a powerhouse connection like no other is revealed.

Meridian Muscle Training (MMT)

Planets ⇔ Zodiac Signs ⇔ Meridians ⇔ Muscle Groups 

Where and How Cosmic Power Connects to and Lives within the Physical Body

When our eyes are open to the clearly laid path that exists within our physical bodies we are awakened to a new level of enlightenment. The hybridization of Eastern Medicine and Western Astrology gives us an advanced model for the tangible association of planetary archetypal energy placement and activation within the physical body. The correspondence pathway unfolds as follows.

It is widely accepted that every astrological sign has its own planetary ruler. In Energy Medicine circles it is also well known that each meridian has associations to specific muscle groups within the body. This tells us what meridian is out of balance based on where discomfort shows up in the muscles of the body. What may not be as commonly known is that the 12 signs of the zodiac pair up with the 12 major meridians. Every meridian is governed by a sign and takes on its attributes and energies. Going even deeper, this in turn pairs up each meridian with its own planetary ruler. So if you chart the associations from the top to the bottom, or from

the cosmic to the physical it follows from planet ⇔ zodiac sign ⇔ meridian ⇔ muscle or muscle group. The correspondences can follow in either direction as their connections create a state of effortless flow in both directions. As a result, we have now effectively built a bridge that cascades from the cosmic realm, and with the help of (CCT)2 gets directed and transmitted through Soul Star down through the central channel to be integrated into the physical body and anchored directly into the physical realm.

The illusion that this process occurs from the outside moving within gives us the mental and visual direction we need to open to the truth that all of this energy already exists within us. The planets do exist outside of us in a very real way, which is the basis of the Law of Correspondence as it helps us to understand that who we are inside is reflected in our experience with the world around us. The fact that the planets exist in the Macrocosm and that almost everyone on the planet is familiar with them on some level suggests that the planets have a direct impact on all of our lives both individually and  collectively. This explains why astrology has an effect on everyone, regardless of whether it is acknowledged or not. 

When we acknowledge the planets as our inner mentors and seek to elevate our understanding of the meaning of cosmic cycles and events we can begin to skillfully organize and plan our actions to mirror the potential energy that is influencing us at any given moment.  When we show appreciation for the energies that make us who we are they will automatically assist us in obtaining everything we need. Going further we can start to draw our life purpose toward us in ways we never before imagined.

When we look at the idea of working with spiritual and cosmic energy in this way it becomes evident that we are highly benefited by making the conscious choice understand where and how cosmic power connects to the physical body. Then by following the tone of the cosmic landscape and the energetic potentials of the moment a floodgate of guidance, communication, love, and protection becomes readily available. This world and our bodies come with a comprehensive guidebook. It is up to us to open it.

Meridian Muscle Training Correspondences

10 Planets ∴ 12 Signs ∴ 12 Meridians 

Moon Energy

Access Points and Correspondences

  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  • Meridian System: Stomach
  • Muscle Groups: Anterior Neck Flexors, Pectoralis Major Clavicular, Brachioradialis, Neck Extensors, Levator Scapulae

Sun Energy

Access Points and Correspondences

  • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Meridian System: Heart
  • Muscle Group: Subscapularis

Mercury Energy

Access Points and Correspondences

  • Zodiac Signs: Gemini and Virgo
  • Meridian System: Lung and Small Intestine
  • Muscle Groups : Lung – Coracobrachialis, Anterior Serratus, Diaphragm, Deltoids Small Intestine – Abdominals, Quadriceps

Venus Energy

Access Points and Correspondences

  • Zodiac Sign: Taurus and Libra
  • Meridian System: Spleen and Kidney
  • Muscle Groups: Spleen – Opponens Pollicis, Middle and Lower Trapezius, Triceps, Latissimus Dorsi. Kidney – Psoas, Illiacus, Upper Trapezius

Mars Energy

Access Points and Correspondences

  • Zodiac Sign: Aries
  • Meridian System: Circulation-Sex/Pericardium
  • Muscle Groups: Adductors, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Maximus

Jupiter Energy

Access Points and Correspondences

  • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  • Meridian System: Liver
  • Muscle Groups: Pectoralis Major Sternal, Rhomboids                         

Saturn Energy

Access Points and Correspondences

  • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  • Meridian System: Gall Bladder
  • Muscle Groups: Anterior Deltoid, Popliteus

Neptune Energy

Access Points and Correspondences

  • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  • Meridian System: Triple Warmer
  • Muscle Groups: Sartorius, Teres Minor, Soleus, Gastrocnemius, Gracilis

Uranus Energy

Access Points and Correspondences

  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  • Meridian System: Large Intestine
  • Muscle Groups: Fascia Lata, Quadratus Lumborum, Hamstrings

Pluto Energy

Access Points and Correspondences

  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  • Meridian System: Bladder
  • Muscle Groups: Anterior and Posterior Tibialis, Peroneus

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