Meet Cory Soul Star

Intuitive Astrologer, Energy Healer, Fitness Instructor

Hi!! My name is Cory Soul Star and I am on a mission to support and expand the LightWorker community here on planet Earth. With a lifetime of spiritual and metaphysical study, research, and experimentation, I consider myself a career LightWorker. My experience-based initiative has always been to take highly developed, esoteric concepts and make them readily accessible for everyone.

When I first received the lightning flash of insight that inspired me to create Enerobics®  Cosmic Energy Medicine on June 17, 2011, Uranus was in Aries opening the potential for new, fresh starts centered around innovation and higher level mental processing. I was sitting on a planter box outside in my front yard and I literally felt the flash go down through my crown chakra on the top of my head. I had never felt anything like that before. “The Great Awakener” came forward for me.

 The message was very clear, I heard “You will call it Enerobics. It has the power to align people with their purpose and mission for being here in this lifetime and show them how to move along their life path toward fulfillment, success, and happiness. This energy emanates directly from Soul and helps people to make this critical connection.” That was all I got at first and it became part of my purpose and mission to figure out exactly how the program was going to work and more importantly, how I was going to explain it to others. What it has evolved into is deeper and more directly and effective than I could have ever initially imagined.

 Fast forwarding into more recent times, Uranus had just recently completed his eight year stay in Aries and moved forward into Taurus in March of 2019. As he took his first step into Taurus I had a very strong intuition that lightning was going to become more prevalent on the surface of the Earth. Sometimes the planets speak to us in literal terms. 

Days later, I was standing at my kitchen sink doing some dishes when I heard a crack of energy that was so close that I screamed at the top of my lungs as an impulse. My husband, Jimmy and I ran outside to see where the lightning had struck and found a big hole in the ground. Rocks from the landscaping had flown into the pool, our twin palm tree had been struck. The hole in the ground was directly in front of where I was standing in the kitchen. The connection that I felt to the Universe at that time was indescribable. Again, I felt like I had been intervened upon, visited, and blessed by Uranus. You can’t make these things up.

It was this event that helped me to appreciate and understand the mentor role that Uranus plays in my life and what helped me to put these pieces of my story together as my journey with Cosmic Energy Medicine continues to unfold. Now as Uranus steeps his energy into the dense, fixed earth energy of Taurus I find myself ready to take the next step along my own LightWorker path and bring my program out into the world for anchoring into the physical realm.

I chose to tell this story because I want you to know that I am looking for the same things as everyone else. I have found by believing that anything is possible I have collected a multitude of experiences that prove just how wonderfully fulfilling life is as a LightWorker. It is my hope that through my work that people around the world will be inspired to trust their inner guidance and take the actions steps necessary to open the playing ground with the most powerful and beneficial energies available to us, the energies of Soul, the Cosmos, and the Universe. These energies are all pervasive, but they need your permission gain access. 

My highest intention is that people who want to improve their energy will use Cosmic Energy Medicine to access their own Soul guided source of power and wisdom. I believe my Energy Work and Exercises can help people receive the sense of peace and fulfillment that accompanies a deep level of trust in the Universe. It is my hope to lead an initiative of conscious evolution and active enlightenment that helps people get happy.

Please let me know through email or social media if you have questions about any aspect of my program. I am here for you.