Cosmic Energy Medicine

Medical Astrology

An Ancient Link to the Stars

Traditionally known as Iatromathematics, Medical Astrology is an ancient system of thought that correlates different body parts, diseases, and medicines to specific planets and/or astrological symbols. According to Medical Astrology each sign of the zodiac and planet, including the Sun and the Moon all correspond to a different part of the physical body. While Medical Astrology is typically used in conjunction with either an individual’s natal chart or an onset of a disease specific decumbiture chart there is still valuable information that can be deduced from the wisdom of Medical Astrology.

To know and be able to conceptualize the way that the physical body relates to the cosmic and planetary realm can be a source of great power, motivation, and inspiration. When the knowledge of these time honored systems of belief and thought can be applied in the physical plane, the world can then proverbially become your oyster. It is what you do with the information that makes the most impact in your daily life.

Renowned spiritual teacher Max Heindel, is regarded as possibly the greatest western mystic of the twentieth century. His work titled, “Message of the Stars,” first published in 1927 helped to further establish the ancient teachings of Medical Astrology in modern society by venturing to draw conclusions regarding illness and disease based on the astrology of one’s natal chart. After completing thousands of successful diagnoses using individual horoscopes as the primary source of information, Heindel felt he had gained enough experience to put his thoughts and practices into writing for all the world to share. He made it very clear that the communication of any discouraging or negative information was not helpful in the healing process. He was very careful to address each patient with a positive mental attitude in hopes of ensuring better treatment outcomes. He also stated that he felt Astrology offered more help and hope than traditional practices in that it’s scope is wider and it has the ability to penetrate the very Soul of being. To him Astrology was an aspect of religion. 

The Law of Correspondences

“As Above, So Below”


Body Parts Ruled: Head, Face, Brain, Eyes, Cerebral Hemispheres

Key Planet: Mars


Body Parts Ruled: Throat, Neck, Lower Jar, Ears, Tonsils

Key Planet: Venus


Body Parts Ruled: Arms, Lungs, Shoulders, Hands, Thymus

Key Planet: Mercury


Body Parts Ruled: Esophagus, Stomach, Pancreas, Diaphragm

Key Planet: Moon


Body Parts Ruled: The Heart, Spine (Dorsal Region), Spinal Cord, The Aorta

Key Planet: Sun


Body Parts Ruled: Large and Small Intestines, Abdominal Region, Liver (Lower Lobes), Spleen

Key Planet: Mercury


Body Parts Ruled: Kidneys, Suprarenals, Lumbar Spine, Skin, Vasomotor System

Key Planet: Venus


Body Parts Ruled: Bladder, Urethra, Genitals, Rectum, Descending Colon

Key Planet: Pluto


Body Parts Ruled: Hips, Thighs, Sacral Spine, Sciatic Nerve

Planet: Jupiter


Body Parts Ruled: Skin, Knees, Reflex Action in Stomach

Key Planet: Saturn


Body Parts Ruled: Ankles, Calves, Blood Flow/ Circulatory System

Key Planet: Uranus


Body Parts Ruled: Feet, Toes, Ab Region

Key Planets: Neptune/Jupiter