Cosmic Energy Medicine

The Lunar Nodes

Astronomical Definition

The North and South Nodes lie at points where the Moon crosses a line joining the points of intersection between the Moon’s orbit and the ecliptic.The Moon spends roughly two weeks ascending and two weeks descending each month.

Astrological Definition

The Lunar Nodes are always in opposition of each other. These sensitive points show you how you relate to people. The Lunar Nodes are a critical component of karmic astrology because they relate to your path of personal Soul evolution.

It is important to note that the Lunar Nodes are sensitive points and not physical bodies like the Planets. Therefore, they cannot radiate light or make aspects, they can only receive aspects from other physical bodies. The Lunar Nodes can be impacted by other planetary bodies but the energy only flows in one direction, they are impacted upon but do not themselves affect other planets. The Lunar Nodes are also the transiting eclipse points. A solar eclipse occurs when a New Moon, or Sun/Moon conjunction is within 18° 31. A lunar eclipse occurs when a Full Moon or Sun/Moon opposition is within 12° 15. 

The North Node – Soul Star

The North or Ascending Node is the point where the Moon’s orbit rises above the ecliptic. Also known as “The Dragon’s Head, the North Node is a benefic, similar to Venus and Jupiter. The North Node is related to good fortune, prosperity, and success. It is also involved in how you manage and integrate the past-life experiences that contribute to the evolution of Soul, or how you deal with your karma. 

The South Node – Earth Star

The South or Descending Node is the point where the Moon’s orbit falls below the ecliptic. Also known as “The Dragon’s Tail, the South Node is a malefic, similar to Mars and Saturn. The South Node relates to everything that opposes the North Node so you can use your imagination. Traditionally, the South Node is thought to be the holding vessel of your personal karma, the life experiences you bring forward in this lifetime for healing.