Cosmic Energy Medicine

LightWorker Frequently Asked Questions

Being a LightWorker and opening to your journey comes with it’s own uncertainty and tons of questions. Let me put you at ease by letting you know that there is no way to do this wrong as long as you set your intention to do your best and not to hurt or harm anyone intentionally along the way.

You can never discount or underestimate the direct impact that Soul Connection will make on your life. It is as though Soul quite literally just sits back waiting for your acknowledgement. Soul quietly encourages your growth and development over the years, alerting you to potential pitfalls and guiding you as you will allow. Soul’s voice can only be amplified with your permission. When you formally invite Soul to participate in your life you awaken a new set of POSSIBILITIES. Adding the power of PERSISTENCE in to the mix you now have everything you need to make every desirable aspect of your life that you are willing to work on PERMANENT. This is The Path of Progress and Soul helps you not only to find it but also to traverse it’s landscape, peaks, valleys and all!! 

Furthermore, once you make the decision to honor your inner power you may be met with additional assistance from a diverse array of benevolent energetic and etheric beings. Many LightWorkers have special affinities for energetic assistants such as The Angels, Ascended Masters, Elementals, Faeries, and Christed Extraterrestrials. Countless Lightworkers are ushered into the Light by way of these beings. They work tirelessly to bring love and inspiration to humanity with the hope that we will all eventually be awakened and join the initiative that re-establishes us to our Divine Nature. The more of us who are working toward the common goal of Soul Consciousness while in our current physical state, the easier and the faster we can succeed in this facet of our mission.

Here I have taken the liberty to answer many of the questions I have received over the years about being a LightWorker and how it pertains to everyday living. If you have any other questions please contact me.

What is a LightWorker?

Simply stated, a LightWorker is someone who deeply knows and understands that there is more to life on this planet than meets the eye. We feel a calling toward the fulfillment of a purpose or a mission and we know that action must be taken in that direction in order to truly be happy. 

How do you know if you are a LightWorker?

A Lightworker can feel their connection to Soul, Source, The Light, The Universe, God, etc…very profoundly. It may not be something talked about or something that anyone else even knows is felt but for us it is as natural as breathing air. A Lightworker knows they are not alone, that something resonating deep within is always supporting and guiding them along their path. Even if life isn’t always perfect, a Lightworker understands that everything that happens is always for the greatest good and everything always works out in its appropriate timing.

What does a LightWorker do?

It is challenging to put a label on what a LightWorker does because we do everything!! The primary function of all LightWorkers is to help to balance the energies of the planet and its inhabitants toward the direction of The Light. Even if your purpose and your mission have not yet been revealed, your role is still critical in establishing more light onto the earth and into the environments and surroundings you occupy. 

In his book, Power vs. Force, world renowned physician and spiritual teacher Dr. David Hawkins reveals The Map of Consciousness which serves as a guide to understand how one person’s uplifted state can have a positive impact on others. As you achieve higher levels of enlightenment your energy increases exponentially to counterbalance the negativity of larger numbers of individuals. This is the most basic role of The LightWorker and a phenomenon that has been scientifically proven through the field of Behavioral Kinesiology.

It is very easy to figure out that the role of the LightWorker is very important on this planet. Without even trying we transmute negative energy and bring peace and harmony to situations sometimes just by being present. How many times have you brought a smile to a strangers face for absolutely no reason? How many times have you helped someone in need with a kind word or gesture in the exact perfect moment? How many people have you touched without even knowing about it? If you are pondering these questions right now…you are a LightWorker.

Does something have to happen to me to become a LightWorker?

This is a very popular question because there are many individuals who believe that one needs to have some kind of a life-altering, near death experience in order to “See the Light” and/or step in to their powers. This could not be further from the truth. Everyone is born with the potential to activate their Light. Granted, some experience a more difficult road to this discovery than others based on past lives, karma, etc…

At our core essence, we are all Lightworkers and we all share the mission to bring our Soul Awareness to the forefront of our conscious thinking while we are embodied in the physical realm. This is one of the reasons we all chose to inhabit this planet. Earth is unique in its characteristics as platform for the evolution of Soul. It allows us to have a “human” experience while still being primarily Spirit. Nothing needs to happen to you to step into your powers and claim your title as Lightworker. All you have to do is set your intention to acknowledge your title.

Can I call myself a LightWorker if I dislike my job?

It is too commonplace today that working people aren’t happy with their current employment for a laundry list of reasons. However, disliking or even being utterly miserable in your current profession does not preclude you to being able to identify yourself as a LightWorker. All this does is signal to you that it is time to get the show on the road and start moving closer to the starting line of your one true path. This path exists for you even if you are inundated with reasons as to why you could never pursue it. 

In truth, Lightork doesn’t have to even be related to your professional career. The two can are not mutually exclusive and can function as separate entities in many cases. This is a point that must be made. Your distinction as a LightWorker does not have to be about your job or how you earn a living. It is wonderfully amazing when you can get the two to line up but you are not out of the game if this is not your current reality right now. 

How can I move into my LightWork?

The easiest way to move in to your LightWork is to acknowledge yourself as a LightWorker. You have to be comfortable with it from the inside. You don’t have to talk about it with anyone but you do have to own it down to your core. As LightWorkers we go through many initiations as Soul and The Universe usher us up the Ladder of Truth and closer to our true nature as Divine Beings of Light. 

The first step must be your acceptance of your role in society and in the energetic world. Once you pledge your allegiance so to speak Soul will respond accordingly and you will begin to see and feel through real life moments and situations that you are in fact now walking on your own One True Path. The path that leads you directly to everything  that you are seeking for your own personal happiness and fulfillment.

The most important way to absolutely 100% move in to your LightWork is to begin to take accountability for every aspect of your life. The most surefire way to gain the acknowledgement from Soul and allow Soul to begin to move you forward from within is to own your current position, regardless of how it makes you feel. This initial step empowers Soul to start working. This one conscious decision holds the power to make your Soul Connection. at its essence it is the very definition of Soul Connection. 

In order to step into your power you must own your current position, your true current position, the one you share with only those you really trust. Perhaps, you share this aspect of yourself with no one. We live in a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram society where much of what we are thinking and feeling is shrouded with an illusion of happiness and perfection. Are we really honoring our most authentic selves when we endeavor to put so much emphasis on what is outside ourselves by worrying so much about what others think? The answer to all of your questions comes from within and interwoven in the spaces in between your answers is enough pure energy to power a thousand Suns. This is the potential that lives inside you. Whether you choose to believe in it is a decision you have to make yourself.

There is more available “From You,To You” that it is incomprehensible. We have not had a model to follow to directly experience the magnitude of the power that lies inside us until now. Out current cosmic timeline and position in the time-space continuum has the appropriate vibration, frequency, and resonance to be able to support the direct experience of Soul. It is our work that got us here, we might as well enjoy being on the leading edge.

How can I change my beliefs about money?

It cannot be stated enough that everything is energy. So when you look at money you have to see it for what it is…just energy. If you can modify the way you perceive money, you can probably get more of it and keep it flowing.

This is an easy way to get control of your mental and emotional bodies so you can vibrate at a higher frequency as it pertains to your thoughts about money. When it comes to abundance and prosperity I always like to think in terms of “past sets the precedent.” If you look back at your financial life history you will most likely find that you have always had everything that you have ever needed and have probably been at least moderately comfortable most of the time. For the most part everything has worked out and you have experienced very little actual hardship. Honor your past in that way and now use your history to seed your future based on the central fact that you have generally always had all of your needs met and have had enough money to do what you have wanted to do. You have to be able to agree that this is your truth in order for the energy to work for you. If you spend your mental energy focused on lack or making examples of your personal struggle than you will align with that energy as well. If you are challenged with the task of seeing your financial history as being safe and secure you may need to go deeper into your belief systems and uncover the scarcity mentality.

The scarcity mentality is one that tricks us into thinking not only that we don’t have enough, or we can’t get enough, but also that we are not enough within ourselves. The scarcity mentality is nothing but an illusion that undermines the true nature of the Universe as the Universe is rich with energy and resources. So the only way to deal with the pesky scarcity mentality is to obliterate it with universal fact. (I say, “fact” because I believe these ideas to be factual and my acceptance of these thoughts as fact helps me to achieve my goals in every area of life. I highly recommend adopting a few high energy key beliefs that you can accept as truth.)

The first fact is the very clear statement that the Universe always provides everything you need. There is a distinction between need and want so you have to be clear with yourself about what the difference means for you. Secondly, you have to manage your creative vessel by being positive about your money. You can’t attract more money by being negative about your financial situation. If you start to feel overwhelmed go back to the idea that the Universe always takes care of your needs. Find ways to anchor the idea with past experiences that corroborate your financial safety. Finally, and probably most importantly you have to take guided action to achieve your financial goals. The Universe helps those who help themselves. The more you do to put yourself in the possibility area to achieve great success, the more the Universe will support your every thought, word, and action until the task is complete.

A question that always seems to come up in the Lightworker community has to do with following the path vs. earning a living. There are many discrepancies amid the answers given to these questions. My feeling is that your Lightwork and your job may or may not be mutually exclusive. Also, the title of Lightworker can take on a multitude of different forms. Lightworkers show up in every category of career and life. The truth is that there are no limitations on what Lightwork can entail. If you are struggling with a day job and an intense desire to do something else, you owe it to yourself to at least try your best to make the transition. The money will follow your positive action and belief in your calling. Never forget that the Universe rewards your action. If you want to get the attention of the Universe, start following your passion as see what shows up for you. You will never know what your life could be like unless you make the commitment to follow through on your dreams. Stand firm in your knowledge that the Universe will always deliver and then form the action plan that will encourage a collision of your world with Soul and Universe. You are here for a purpose. If you have knowledge about that purpose that you already know that following it through will bring you true happiness. Everything is energy and money is no exception so get your thoughts straight, get to work,  and see how your rewards pour in.