Cosmic Energy Medicine

Healing Crystals and Stones

Heal and Empower with Crystal Energy

Crystals or stones are the gifts of the Earth designed and delivered specifically by the Universe for the amplification of energy. Healing crystals not only increase their own energy and the energy of Source, love, and prana but they also serve to intensify the natural healing talents and abilities that exist within you. Crystal energy effects the subtle realm so as you work with them you will also strengthen your intuition, increase your discernment, and heighten your psychic senses. The applications are limitless when it comes to working with crystal energy. Just by placing one in your pocket, on your kitchen counter, or on your desk at work you can change the vibration of your energy enough to have a positive impact on your day. Knowing how to select the appropriate stones to work with is the most important first step in developing crystal healing practice. The color of the stone provides insight into its purpose, effects, and benefits. 

The Crystal Rainbow

Choose a Color and Unlock the Magic

Red Stones

Ruling Planet: Mars

Key Attributes: Protection, Strengthens the Body and Will Power, Promotes Courage and Physical Strength, Intimately Linked with Blood

Pink Stones

Ruling Planet: Venus

Key Attributes: Attracts and Strengthens Love Energy, Promotes Peace, Happiness, Joy, and Laughter, Encourages Lightness and Openness

Orange Stones

Ruling Planet: The Sun

Key Attributes: Provides Protection and Illumination, Increases Personal Power, Expands Awareness of Self-Worth, Attracts Luck and Positive Outcomes

Yellow Stones

Ruling Planets: Mercury and The Sun

Key Attributes: Strengthens the Conscious Mind, Heightens Ability to  Visualize, Improves Communication and Positive Self-Expression, Travel

Green Stones

Ruling Planet: Venus

Key Attributes: Receptive, Guardians of Health and Healing, Strengthens the Eyes and Kidneys, Relieves Stomach Disorders, Prosperity, Money, Luck 

Blue Stones

Ruling Planet: Neptune

Key Attributes: Promotes Peace and Calms Emotions, Sleep Inducing, Stops Nightmares, Reduces Fevers, Removes Ulcers, Pain Relief, Purification

Purple Stones

Ruling Planets: Jupiter and Neptune

Key Attributes: Spirituality, Meditation, Psychic Work, Contact with the Subconscious Mind, Healing, Peace, Alleviates Headaches, Calms Mental Illness/Depression, Aids Hair Problems

White Stones

Ruling Planet: The Moon

Key Attributes: Intimately Linked with Sleep and Psychism, Promotes Lactation, Provides Protection After Dark, Considered Lucky Stones that Promote Good Fortune, Clarifies Intention or Purpose

Black Stones

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Key Attributes: Symbolic of Self-Control, Resilience, Stability, and Quiet Power, Carry Significant Earth Energy, Good for Grounding or Balancing One Who Is Too Spiritually Focused