Cosmic Energy Medicine

Explore the Signs – Charge, Polarity, Modality, and The Elements

While the planets represent the central driving force of Astrology, it is the signs that people seem to identify with the most. Each sign holds its own fundamental resonance with a planet, element, modality, polarity, and more. This makes the individual energy of each sign one-of-a-kind, just like you.

It is important to always keep in mind that the sign describes how and why the planet expresses. The signs do not change the fundamental nature of the planet. The planet will always operate according to its own energy signature regardless of what sign it is in and at no time will a signs agenda overtake the agenda of planet. 

Masculine vs. Feminine

Each of the four elements can be categorized into one of two charges. Fire and Air are expressive and they belong to the positive, masculine, or yang energy. Earth and Water are receptive and they belong to the negative, feminine, or yin energy.

Planetary Polarity 

Planetary polarity explains the concept of pairs that join one another from across zodiac to create wholeness. It may seem at first that these pairs represent opposing factors but that is not the case. More so, polarity represents a distinctly exceptional understanding between traits that are complementary. Because of this, polarity underlines a unique rapport that exists between these planetary pairs.

The Six Planetary Polarities are:

Aries and Libra

Cancer and Capricorn

Taurus and Scorpio

Leo and Aquarius

Gemini and Sagittarius

Virgo and Pisces 

The Three Modalities

Modality may also be referred to as Quality or Quadrupilicty. Modality indicates the way the energy of a sign flows. It defines how a planet will express itself when it encounters a particular sign. The modalities are related to the beginning, middle, and end of a season where each seasonal segment has its own energy signature.

The three modalities are: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. The Cardinal Signs are: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. The Fixed Signs are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The Mutable Signs are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. 


The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. In the Tropical Zodiac they correlate to the beginning of the seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Cardinal signs like to get things started and are focused on new beginnings of all kinds. 


The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. They correlate to the middle of each season. They strive to preserve and maintain that which the Cardinal sign has already initiated. Their role is to keep things steadily moving forward.


The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Mutable signs correlate to the end of each season when the weather is preparing to change. Planets in mutable signs work to complete the current cycle and begin preparation for the next.

The Four Elements

Each of the twelve signs are associated with one of four elements. The elements represent the different planes of reality and they characterize the primary realm where a planet will express. The four elements are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each element also combines with a polarity (Masculine or Feminine) and a modality (Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable) to arrive at the individual energy signature for each of the signs.

The Fire Signs – The Spiritual Plane

The fire signs are related to the Spiritual Plane and represent the energy of life and spirit. They are active, assertive, and confident but at times can be seen as forceful, headstrong, and even hostile. Planets in fire signs inspire action as they seek new and improved ways to express themselves. The element of fire is transforming, energizing, and incredibly self-motivated.

Aries - Cardinal Fire

Leo - Fixed Fire

Sagittarius - Mutable Fire

The Earth Signs – The Material Plane

The earth signs represent the Material Plane and are related to the world of substance and form. Earth is solid, practical, and supportive. It does not move as it is the most stable of the elements. 

Capricorn - Cardinal Earth

Taurus - Fixed Earth

Virgo - Mutable Earth

The Air Signs – The Mental Plane

Air is all about the intellectual, mental, and social sides of life. Air is light and elusive moving horizontally and making easy surface based connections to everything that crosses its path. Planets in air signs are logical, rational, and objective. 

Libra - Cardinal Air

Aquarius - Fixed Air

Gemini - Mutable Air

The Water Signs – The Emotional Plane

Water represents the emotional plane of deep seated feelings and emotions. Water will always flow and seek the lowest point until it is contained. Since water does not have its own shape, it has no choice but to take on the shape of its container.

Cancer - Cardinal Water

Scorpio - Fixed Water

Pisces - Mutable Water