Cosmic Energy Medicine

Soul Connection

“Radiating From You, To You for Alignment with Your One True Path”

My Soul Connection

The only way I can logically explain the origin of Enerobics®, which has now evolved into Cosmic Energy Medicine is that it was downloaded into my energy field and conscious awareness as a result of making a Soul Connection. There is no other way that I can describe what it felt like other than a bolt of lightning coming in through my crown chakra, right in the middle of the top of my head. The deep sense of knowing that overcame me was like nothing I had ever experienced. 

A voice spoke to me saying, “You will call it Enerobics®, it has the power to align people with their purpose and mission for being here in this lifetime and show them how to move along their life path toward success”. The internal feeling of forward moving progress was palpable. I knew that whatever this was that it could move people the way that Soul had just moved me.  

Before the energy dissipated there was one final message that said, “All you have to do is not be afraid”. The initial energy signature was so clear, Soul was giving me the message that the Soul Connection led to direct linkage with life purpose, but there was more. I could feel this driving force behind the initial connection, as though once the Soul Connection to purpose was achieved the person became unstoppable. All obstacles were removed from the path, guidance and support showed up in many different ways, a sense of true happiness and inner fulfillment permeated every level of my being. What happened next most definitely grabbed my attention. 

At the time my son, Enzo was one year old. I just went back to work and I was trying to get my life on track after being off for almost a year. I really wasn’t happy with my job. There was no heart in it, the benefits were amazing and the pay was great but it wasn’t enough for me. As soon as I got back into it I started to think about what else I could do with my life. I always felt like the birth of my son would change my life in significant ways. My son is so special! He brings me so much love and joy! I felt like having him would help me align with my One True Path

I had no idea how much my life was going to change at that time. So, I was really soul searching, and I was dropping my son off at his child care center. When we got to his classroom his teacher was busy attending to some of the other kids. It was snack time so I started helping Enzo with his snack and then a couple of the other kids. I thought to myself, “I could do this!” Immediately I reconciled the idea against the grain of reality and thought, “How could I go from what I am doing to doing this”? It seemed pretty far-fetched considering the differences. I mentally filed away the thought and went about my day. About five hours later my husband called me. He said, “What do you think about us owning a child care center?” Obviously I was stunned.

He said “I met this guy today who brokers child care properties and I think we could do this.” I told him that I had this sort of a strange revelation that I could work in child care earlier that day but dismissed it because it didn’t seem very feasible. From this angle everything made a lot more sense. We set up the meeting and sat down with them by the end of the next week.

I don’t know if we could have stepped any further outside of our comfort zone. We both had a lot of professional experience but nothing can really prepare you for this kind of radical change. The Universe tested us at every critical juncture, there were a few times in the process that we thought it wasn’t going to happen. Every time we encountered a set back we became even more dedicated to creating this new reality in the mental plane with the power of our minds. The mind is like the muscles, the more you work it out, the stronger it becomes. The more you focus your mind and your will the faster and easier your manifestations will flow from the mental plane to the physical world. This process definitely gave me the opportunity to strengthen my mind muscles. Every step was challenging but we never gave up and we just kept focusing on having our school.

From there the rest is history. It took almost two and a half years, it was mentally and emotionally grueling at times and we were tested to the core of our being but in the end we did it! This December 2018 we will be celebrating our Five Year Anniversary. Business is great, we have an extremely talented and passionate staff, and we love what we do! We are living our purpose and because of this we are very happy, fulfilled, and prosperous. Money flows easier when you are living your purpose too!

Living on purpose is something that everyone, regardless of your current situation, can achieve. It does not have to be tied in to your profession. You will know when you hit that sweet spot in your life because you will feel really good inside your skin. You will feel happy. Synchronicity will become a more regular occurrence. You will begin to understand that there is no such thing as a coincidence. If you can be patient enough to hold your higher frequency and let the Universe and Soul work for you, little by little your entire life will change. The thoughts you think, the pictures you see, and the way you talk to yourself are the access points to getting started. From where ever you are today, you can start changing your life by monitoring your mind one idea at a time.

I hope this story of my Soul Connection inspires you to seek a deeper relationship with Soul. A scientist by training, education, and birth for that matter, I knew that the minute I was given Enerobics®, that it had to be field tested and validated. I had been a student and teacher of spiritual studies for almost 17 years at that time so I was ready to take the next initiation and expand my experience as a LightWorker. To this day I can recall how specific everything was, the feelings, the message, the energy, the love. It became my job to personify the energy that I felt running through my veins. If I could connect with my purpose and overcome the obstacles to achieving my mission than others could follow. I made up my mind and I did it!

Being aware of our purpose here on planet Earth is the highest priority question we face as humans. The reason it matters so much is because it is this connection that allows us to fully experience happiness, inner peace, and wholehearted achievement. We seek these feelings but many times we don’t know what to do or where to go in our consciousness to find them. I can genuinely tell you that achieving Soul Connection satisfies the requirement for taking the next step toward living the life you were born to live.

Everyone must begin to process the idea that we all incarnate with a plan. We plan everything from who our parents will be, where we will be born, when we will meet certain people, what lessons need to be learned, what our strengths and weaknesses will be, what losses we will incur and the reasons why those things must happen. We even predetermine our time of death. In short we come forward with a template that was designed to satisfy everything that needs to be realized and concluded in order to make our ascension and deliver ourselves to the realm of choices associated with that distinction. Three points remain constant as it pertains to our birth and introduction to Earth: 1) We forget everything we just meticulously planned for ourselves. 2) We engage in the cycle of birth and death as it pertains to “The Wheel of Life”. 3) We are given power of free will. 

Remembering these truths is a step up the ladder of ascension all its own. Every little thing we do to acknowledge and expand our powers of Light, Love, and Conscious Creation moves us a little closer to where we need to be to complete the cycle of “The Wheel of Life”. Soul Connection is the first big initiation step as it proceeds due to the quality of your energy. The larger part of your energetic frequency must align with positive vibrations. Once you hit this critical 51% energy marker you merge your conscious mind with the gentle, loving guidance and wisdom of Soul. Once you achieve this energetic milestone, you will never be the same. If your goal is Soul Connection, you will always have everything you need.