Cosmic Energy Medicine

Our Home – Planet Earth

The Earth is our home base and a focal point in the Universe as it is the only known planet to harbor and sustain life at this time. The Earth exists primarily as a platform for the evolution of the Soul. Each and every person who is fortunate enough to spend a lifetime embodied on planet Earth has been given the gift of potential ascension; moving past the karmic wheel of life and finding unity with Source. 

We must always keep the appropriate perspective and energetic point of view as we interact with the energy of the Earth. If not properly prioritized on the mental plane Earth energy can potentially strengthen or solidify the limitations of physical existence. The Earth functions to organize and compress particles of matter into form. This action fundamentally contradicts the idea that we are all beings of energy. We can engage this seeming dichotomy with our power of choice.

If we identify too much with form, with Earth, it is the equivalent of strapping a heavy weight to our ankle that holds us hostage to a vast array of outmoded, limiting thoughts and beliefs. If we can see the Earth as what she really is, a platform for the evolution of Soul, we can then approach our earthly lives with an evolved point of view taking advantage of every opportunity presented to us while we exist in this earthly realm of form, substance, and matter.