Cosmic Energy Medicine

Discover the Houses

The Chambers of Life and Experience

Mundane Astrology is the study of the impact of the planets on society and the world at large. It focuses on how everyone and everything is effected by planetary aspects and transits unlike the more personalized natal astrology that looks at the cosmic landscape from an individualized perspective. The houses in mundane astrology are very similar to the houses in natal astrology as long as you remember that you are not interpreting the chart for an individual. If the chart was one big house, the houses would be the different rooms in the house. Each one has their own significance and meaning. Understanding these meanings adds another level of depth to the current planetary activity. The Houses allow you to acknowledge which sector of life and experience that the planets are working in and how that pertains to everyday life for the masses. This information can help you action plan and stay in the flow of critical cosmic energetic timing. 

The First House

The first house underlines identity and personality of the group. Planets moving through the first house have deep impact and can be a main focus or influence.

The Second House

The second house rules finances, wealth, moveable property, and personal resources. The second house also has a relationship to group values and opinions. 

The Third House

The third house rules communication, short distance travel, familiar environments, and primary education. It shows how people interact one on one.

The Fourth House

The fourth house rules home, family and the core foundation of civilization or society at large. The land and the weather fall under the jurisdiction of the fourth house as well.

The Fifth House

The fifth house rules fun! Here we find recreational events, social or celebratory gatherings, and the entertainment industry. The fifth house also rules children at large.

The Sixth House

The sixth house rules work, daily life, health, and pets. This house shows the general health of a nation and its inhabitants their overall feelings and attitudes toward work.

The Seventh House

The seventh house rules other people including contractual partners, romantic relationships and open enemies. It shows us the people we like and the people we don’t like. 

The Eighth House

The eighth house rules the money that doesn’t belong to us. It also links us to other people’s values, opinions, and resources.  The eighth house also relates to death and taxes.

The Ninth House

The ninth house rules communication, far travel, higher education, and the law. Religion, philosophy and beliefs are also found here. Legal or judicial system issues may show up here.

The Tenth House

The tenth house rules external foundation, public image, government, and government leaders. If someone or something is going to be brought down you will see it here.

The Eleventh House

The eleventh house rules hopes, wishes, friendships, and shared creativity. The money you make and all other personal acquisitions are related to this house as well.

The Twelfth House

The twelfth house rules sorrow, prisons, hospitals, hidden enemies, and the shadow self. Things that are hidden may be brought to the surface as repressed energies are revealed.