Cosmic Energy Medicine

Cosmic Happiness

“The Pursuit of Happiness is Something We All Have in Common.”

Every program needs an objective and at Cosmic Energy Medicine that would be a state I define as “Cosmic Happiness.” This is the destination I am interested in taking you to, not just to visit but to set up shop, lay down roots, and make it your new home.

The dictionary classifies the word “cosmic” as an adjective that means: 1) of or relating to the cosmos. 2) Characteristics of the cosmos or its phenomenon. 3) Immeasurable extended in time or space, vast. Some synonyms for the word cosmic are: limitless, universal, global, grandiose, huge, immense, infinite, and planetary.

Furthermore, the dictionary defines the word “cosmos” to mean: 1) The world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2) A complete orderly, harmonious system. 3) Order, harmony. so basically any way you look at it, the concept of “Cosmic Happiness” is not only the monumental, magnificent uppermost level of happiness you can achieve, it is also ordered, harmonious, and limitless.

The goal of Cosmic Energy Medicine is to help you find your way to Cosmic Happiness one workout at a time. As you learn more about what is possible and what you can do to open and draw out more of your inner potential, you will inevitably experience more happiness.

Everyone wakes up every morning and continues on with their pursuit of more and more happiness. You are hardwired to seek it because you know deep within that happy is your most fulfilled, productive, generous, and loving state of being. When you create from the center of happiness you get even more of it. So go ahead and add to your happiness potential by practicing Cosmic Energy Medicine and making it a part of your daily routine.