Cosmic Energy Medicine

It all begins with the Cosmic-Vibes.

“Align with the Higher Consciousness Essences of Limitless Cosmic Potential”


Cosmic-Vibes symbolize and express the energetic essence that a planetary aspect represents and what potentials exist as a result of that placement. Given that: ASPECTS create ACCESS, Cosmic-Vibes help us to form a direct link between what’s going on with the planets and how we can personally benefit from their current positions in the sky. Your weekly Cosmic-Vibes keep you up to date with the current astrological landscape and make recommendations as to where you should focus your attention to achieve real world results and get answers to real world questions in real time. Dial in to the energetic essences you need to transform your life by following the Cosmic-Vibes. Focus on the potential energy of the given moment and you can soar to new heights, eliminate obstacles, or just go with the flow.

Astrology can be super complex, highly involved, and downright confusing at times. There are so many different points of view and opinions about what is important and why. I like to direct my attention to the top level positive potential as much as possible by focusing on higher consciousness essences, keywords, and references. This allows you to focus on the positive and have a guideline to properly frame anything else that may come up in the moment as something that may be necessary or beneficial.

Cosmic Vibes seek to neutralize any negativity that may be associated with a planetary aspect by focusing primarily on what is wanted as a result of a placement. It is not very practical to focus on what is not wanted or anything that could be construed as an obstacle or a set back. There is no reason to do this, it only slows down your progress. What you focus on is what you get. By adhering to information that is supportive, you super charge creativity and get the job done faster and easier. Cosmic-Vibes connect you to the energy that encourages initiation or completion of anything you are currently working toward no matter how lofty or complicated it may seem in the present moment. Cosmic Vibes dig deep and when approached with an open heart and an open mind help making Soul Connection an everyday reality.

Some placements and aspects do have a negative or malefic connotation or incite pessimistic feelings to rise to the surface. This is where it becomes critical to properly frame what comes up for you. Healing is an all encompassing process. Most of the time our traumatic life experiences are the ones that we push down into ourselves for the fear of dealing with the pain. When remnants of these experiences bubble to the surface it is for our acknowledgement and for our betterment. Astrology can help you to move past whatever is holding you back. In order to allow the flow of cosmic energy to work for you, you must first acknowledge its tremendous power and influence and invite its guidance into every area of your life.

The Universe does come with a user manual and it is written in the stars. The guidance is thoughtful, deliberate, and timely. These are your Cosmic Vibes. It is not necessary to completely understand the message all the time. As long as you connect to the wisdom and love with integrity, you will find yourself exactly where you need to be perfectly fulfilled and cosmically happy.