Cosmic Energy Medicine

Astrology: The World’s Oldest Science and Art

Astrology was introduced to the Greeks by the Babylonians in the 4th Century B.C. Through the work of Plato, Aristotle, and others Astrology became highly regarded as a science. From there it was further developed by the Romans, Arabs, and Egyptians, before spreading across the world. Initially Astrology was used to establish order to chaos, predict weather patterns for the purposes of farming, forecast natural disasters, and plan for war. Kings and Emperors worked with Astrologers to plan and time their most important decisions. Today, Astrology is more popular than ever with practitioners living in almost every country in the world. The desire to understand the meaning of life and to connect with the Universe has never been higher. 

There are points in history when most of the doctors were also astrologers. It was commonplace for people to look to the stars to understand their health issues. Decumbiture charts were cast for those who had become ill. Most health decisions and diagnoses had a component that was relevant to something that was understood or predicted by Astrology. 

Society’s view on Astrology today is polarized with many people holding views on opposite sides of the spectrum. Some feel that it is baseless absurdity and holds no scientific weight. Others look toward the a gravitational forces, understanding how Earth is impacted by the Sun and Moon and arrive at the conclusion that the planets must operate in a similar way. Another group looks to the symbolism of Astrology and feels that aspects of their personality and consciousness can be revealed with it’s teachings. 

Regardless of your position on it, one thing rings true when it comes to Astrology: It has stood the test of time and it is not going anywhere. If it were to have fallen by the wayside it probably would have done so by now. As more people are converted over to the simple truth that we are the sole creators of our experiences and our lives, Astrology can serve as a grounding rod that attracts the best energy to work with at the most favorable times. 

It is the mission of Cosmic Energy Medicine to utilize all viable resources available to help every person who is ready to step into their personal power and integrity become exactly who they were incarnated to be here on this planet in this lifetime. Accomplishing this one task yields our highest level of happiness and fulfillment. Using Astrology as a guiding mechanism for the flow of these trainings, brings order and structure to the program and allows us to tap into the highest frequencies available to work with on the planet in real time. If there was any other higher energy to resonate with to complete this goal, I would be using it. It is so powerful because in truth it all exists right inside you, the message of the planets comes directly “To You, From You.”  The notion of separation is an illusion. 

You might be wondering, where does my natal chart fit into all of this?? In order to answer that question we must first consider the face value of the natal chart. It goes far to tell you exact information about the astrological landscape at the time of your birth. It sets up your potential strengths and weaknesses. It indicates how your personality may develop over time. Your natal chart can be a valuable tool for self-reflection but it definitely has clear limitations. The reason why we cannot afford to hinge our life path on our natal chart is because we are always growing, changing, and evolving. We are only bound by the Laws of Nature and energy signature of our thoughts. Regardless of what impending energy we experienced at the time of our birth, that moment is well in the past. Astrology continues to remind us that is it what we focus on today and the quality of our consciousness that defines who we are and our corresponding capabilities. 

Color Your Life with Astrology

The Planets

Planets, Planets, Planets…It cannot be stressed enough that the most important aspect of Astrology is The Planets.

The Signs

The Signs tell us how and why the Planets will express. Each sign is categorized by element and modality.

The Houses

The Houses represent spheres of life and experience. Personalize the meaning of each house by looking at them as the “rooms” in your life.

The Fixed Stars

The Behenian Fixed Stars are a group of 15 stars that dance around the sky and influence our planets in very supportive and magical ways. 

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