Cosmic Energy Medicine


Harmonize Your Primordial Center

The ability for any Lightworker accessory or technique to be useful relies solely on your initial belief of its validity and efficacy. If approached with the correct frame of mind, aromatherapy can be a very powerful solution to many of life’s dilemmas. Aromatherapy works on the physical, mental, and emotional realms and can perform difficult undertakings as it brings the mind and body back into order and balance. 

Perhaps the most primitive of your senses, olfaction or your sense of smell can connect you to your oldest memories and deepest emotions. Your sense of smell has the ability to transcend the limitations of the material realm and transport you directly to the relief you need in the present moment. The power of aromatherapy lies in the nature of the oils you choose to either inhale or absorb directly into the skin. These oils act with chemical receptors in the nose and brain to produce the desired effects. Aromatherapy can be helpful for altering your mood, and making a positive impact on your cognitive, psychological, or physical well-being.  

Using essential oils is simple and straight forward. The two easiest ways to start to achieve the benefits of aromatherapy are either through gentle inhalation or direct application to the skin. You can literally just remove the cap of your chosen aromatherapy essence and begin to breathe in the therapeutic fragrance straight from the bottle. If you need more targeted action and would like to apply the essential oil to the skin make sure you dilute it with a carrier oil to reduce the possibility of skin irritation. You can use coconut, avocado, sweet almond, or apricot kernel oil to prepare your dilution. Use your best judgement, you can always add more, but it is much more difficult to take away if you have used too much. Enjoy your aromatherapy practice and try a variety of oils.

Top Ten Most Popular Essential Oils and Their Common Uses


Common Uses: Mood Balancing, Skin Healing, Pain Relief, Fever Reducer, Treats Digestive Issues, Breaks Up Congestion


Common Uses: Pain Relief, Dental Issues, Reduces Inflammation, Nausea and Digestive Aliments, Clears Acne


Common Uses: Decongestant, Pain Relief, Anti-Microbial, Immunostimulant, Mental Clarity, Energy, Insect Repellent


Common Uses: Mood Enhancer, Stress Reducer, Digestive Aid,Anti-Microbial, Fades Scars, Calms Itch, Heals Wounds


Common Uses: Calming, Sleep Inducing, Anti-Bacterial,  Anti-Inflammatory, Pain Relief for Joints


Common Uses: Pain Reliever, Anti-Fungal, Weight Loss Aid, Calms Severe Nausea, Reduces Stress and Anxiety, Mood Boost


Common Uses: Treats Eczema, Psoriasis, and Rosacea, Menstrual Cramps, Upset Stomach, Cold and Flu, Infections


Common Uses: Cold and Flu Prevention, Joint/Muscle Pain, Headaches, Clearing Skin Conditions, Digestive Aid 


Common Uses: Detoxifies Skin, Improves Scalp Health, Boosts Immunity, Mental Clarity and Memory 

Tea Tree

Common Uses: Anti-Microbial, Anti-Fungal, Treats Infections, Deep Cleans Scalp and Pores, Calms Inflammation