Cosmic Energy Medicine

Applied Kinesiology

A Brief Overview of Applied Kinesiology

Also known as muscle testing, applied kinesiology (AK) is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on the belief that the physical body’s meridian/acupuncture system deeply knows if something is either harmful or beneficial for the individual in question. There has been extensive research and documentation authenticating the effectiveness of muscle testing. The basic premise behind the test is that the muscles will become stronger in the presence something that is favorable and the muscles will go weak, producing a non-response, in the presence of something that is considered harmful. The body has scientifically proven itself to be a very credible and reliable detective. 

Using Applied Kinesiology, Dr. David Hawkins developed what is known as “The Map of Consciousness.” His work was scientifically validated and published in his doctoral dissertation titled “Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibrations of the Level of Human Consciousness.” This work served to make critical connections between energetic frequencies and the resonance of our thoughts. As a result, The Map of Consciousness has become one of the most powerful and accessible vehicles for spiritual transformation used by the spiritually conscious today. In essence this work can be summed up as a way to calibrate your inner world, knowing that the quality of your thoughts and feelings fuel the fire of your creative vehicle and color your manifestations.

The pinnacle finding in the work of Dr. Hawkins was his breakthrough discovery that muscle testing could be used to make critical distinctions between truth and falsehood regardless of the context. The meridian/acupuncture system yields a strong response in the presence of truth but will not respond (go weak) in the absence of truth. These findings have been documented and repeated hundreds of thousands of times in various types of situations and the results have remained consistent across all participants.

Dr. Hawkins discovered that the critical energetic point on the scale calibrates at 200. Using muscle testing he elucidated that everything that calibrates under 200 makes the meridian/acupuncture system go weak and everything that calibrates over 200 creates a response of strength. As a result , The Map of Consciousness is divided into two major categories of resonance. The higher energetic frequencies are defined as “Power”, this includes everything that calibrates at 200 or higher. The lower energetic frequencies are defined as “Force” or anything that calibrates under 200. The critical line of division is represented by integrity.

Intrinsically, the nature of force is weak. Force does not have its own energy supply and cannot sustain itself so it consumes energy. Force relies on outside sources of energy in order to survive. Force moves in a negative or downward direction and generally creates harmful, damaging, and/or toxic effects that are not supportive of life, growth, or expansion of any kind. When you make choices or act as a result of shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, or pride you will always find yourself living just a slightly different version of the same reality. Happiness is difficult to access when you are calibrated at these lower energy levels of force.

Conversely, power is strong, stable, and capable of sustaining itself in all ways. Power is its own source of energy and it moves in a positive or upward direction. Power has creative intelligence and supports the expansion and growth of life and consciousness. Power uplifts as it creates taking you to higher and higher levels of happiness. The highest levels of power are states of joy, unconditional love, peace, and enlightenment. As you strive toward these higher levels of energy you find more ways to be happy.

Simply stated, it is your level of consciousness that determines your level of happiness. Knowledge of this universal fact helps you to eliminate the tendency to stay trapped in victim consciousness and liberate yourself with the influence of integrity onward and upward through the levels of power. This guide that Dr. Hawkins has cultivated is straightforward, precise, and ready for use. All you have to do to get started is monitor your thoughts and change lower consciousness thinking into higher consciousness thinking when you catch yourself going down the wrong mental pathway. Just by choosing to monitor the quality of your thoughts you increase your ability to create the life and experiences you really want. Everything that is done in the present moment will inevitably create your next moment. Choosing to live in the higher energy states of consciousness is the best decision you can ever make.