Cory Soul Star

Intuitive Astrologer

Energy Healer

Fitness Instructor

Building Your Bridges to Limitless Cosmic Potential Begins Here.

It starts by bringing your attention to the cosmic landscape and the potential energy of the moment.

Cosmic Vibes and Planetary Downloads determine your available Energy Bridges based on time.

Cosmic Vibes

The Cosmic-Vibes seek to express the highest-level energetic essences that a planetary aspect represents in the current moment. Cosmic Vibes reveal what potentials exist, what mental prompts can be helpful, and what actions may be taken to maximize the current flow of energy. Cosmic Vibes highlight which areas of life are on deck and most accessible for inner awareness, restructuring, and positive growth.  Tuning in to the daily Cosmic Vibes takes your energy to the next level and harmonizes you with the energies of both Soul and The Universe collectively.

Planetary Downloads

Complementing your Cosmic Vibes are the targeted Planetary Downloads. Each planet represents a different aspect of who you are within. They correlate to every aspect of who you are on energetic, mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical levels. Specific Planetary Downloads occur as each planet moves around the zodiac each year. As they do so they impart different energies and frequencies into our awareness. That energy and the corresponding power is readily available to you and can be downloaded at will by simply setting the intention to connect and receive.

(CCT)² helps you to balance, harmonize, and clear your energy field while opening and expanding your

ability to integrate and anchor the chosen higher consciousness essences of each Energy Bridge.

Criss-Cross Training

Conduit-Channel Training


This dynamic training duo enhances biological balance and removes energetic obstacles while simultaneously integrating and grounding the beneficial energies you wish to work with directly into your energy field.

By targeting specific muscle groups and setting the intention to achieve your desired outcome based

on the current Cosmic|Spiritual landscape, you can maximize the potential energy of the moment.

Meridian Muscle Training


The hybridization of Western Astrology and Eastern Medicine inspires Meridian Muscle Training and gives us the necessary access points to interact with planetary energy within the realm of the physical. The Law of Correspondence comes into full effect as specific muscle groups are ruled by individual meridians. Each meridian corresponds to a different sign of the zodiac. Each sign of the zodiac has its own planetary ruler. This cascade of correspondences shows us clearly and directly where planetary energy lives within us and where it can be accessed for utilization in the physical body expanding conscious evolutionary progress.

As Cosmic|Spiritual energy connects with the physical body, you build your bridge to limitless

cosmic potential. The stronger and more deliberately you build your bridge, the more energy you

have available to fuel your desires and manifestations. Creative control becomes your new normal.

The Bridge

On the physical level the concept of The Bridge was born out of the idea that a strong central channel, (abdominal and back muscles), leads to the ability to harness, integrate, and hold more energy. Overtime the concept has evolved into the primary aspiration of Cosmic Energy Medicine as The Bridge forms the activated link between the Cosmic|Spiritual and physical realms. This bridge connects you to limitless cosmic potential and all of the benefits that come with the pursuit of active enlightenment and deliberate creation.

Your bridge supports and strengthens your activated Soul Connection. 

This gives you direct access to all your answers that exist within. 

Soul Connection

Emanating “From You, To You” for alignment with your One True Path is your Soul Connection. When you are in harmony with Soul you can live on purpose. Soul functions to support your earthly endeavors with encouragement, guidance, and love. The voice of Soul can be easily drowned out by the louder voices of fear and ego so it is important to listen carefully. Once you make an active Soul Connection you will discover the inspiration to keep moving forward along your path until you end up exactly where you have always wanted to be.

Your bridge to limitless cosmic potential and your active Soul Connection align you with your

purpose. This brings you deeper levels of joy, fulfillment and happiness.

Everyone is on a quest for more and more happiness, with Cosmic Energy Medicine you can get there!

Cosmic Happiness

Regardless of how we go about getting there, everyone on the planet is looking for one thing and one thing only…Happiness. The idea of Cosmic Happiness is all about putting no limitations on the amount of happiness that you can experience. It is my hope that Cosmic Energy Medicine can help you to find exactly what you are looking for in every area of your life bringing you in to a state of perpetual Cosmic Happiness!