Cosmic Energy Medicine

The Technology of Conscious Creation

“The Screen of Your Mind Is The Creative Canvas of Your Reality”

What You Think About and What You Believe is What You Receive Every Time

The mental plane and your individual mind are the most technologically advanced tools for creation that we have available on this planet. There is nothing that becomes manifest in the outer world without first being conceived and built with thought form energy on the mental plane. This idea is somewhat prevalent in our culture today but people still struggle with understanding how this mechanism works and what can be done to engage in the flow that brings us onward and upward towards our highest aspirations and desires. 

In order to begin we must make the conscious choice to undertake this leg of our earthly journey and endeavor to master our minds. Conceptualizing and assimilating new, cutting-edge thoughts and ideas can take time but going through this mind frame conversion is worth the investment of effort. Once the mental body detoxifies and neutralizes, creative flow can proceed in a more advantageous direction.

The creative element of the mind is expressed in one of three ways: what you think about, how you talk to yourself, and the pictures that you see in your mind. Your belief system underpins all of your thoughts, self-talk, and visualizations so it is extremely important that your beliefs about yourself and the world around you are positive and supportive in nature. Any belief of difficulty, bad luck, or harsh circumstances will show themselves to you. Your belief system should reflect what you wish to see and experience and not the latter. This system of the mind is fundamental, reliable and efficient. It never turns off and it never stops working. The mind creates with what it is given by you via your beliefs, thoughts, words and mental images. Whatever you are focusing your attention on is exactly what you will manifest. Your level of happiness based on your current reality tells you exactly where you are vibrating. You can make the conscious choice to change anything at anytime.

While watching Showtime Networks “The Affair” I was very impressed to hear one of the characters say something to the effect of ” If you would like to change something you must think differently and it will change”. Excellent advice and wonderful positioning as this message was undoubtedly viewed and received by millions.

Whether it is the first time you have ever heard this or just a casual reminder, the facts remain the same; it is the mind that creates your reality and nothing else. Training the mind to focus on the things you want versus the things you don’t want should become a lifetime priority. There is no hacking the system, there is no cracking the code, there is no trying to access the energy for you are already manifesting at your current frequency right now. The process is automatic and it occurs with or without your permission. Your ongoing mental set-point defines the quality of your experiences. The direction of the dial is up to you.

So how do we accomplish such lofty mental and energetic goals when we live in a world so seemingly focused on matter? It is true, as a collective whole materialism and corresponding consumerism inundate our conscious awareness taking precedence in our hearts and thoughts. Technology abounds but people are more isolated than ever. We long for the acceptance of others, painting a picture of our perfect lives hoping people will “like” us while we question whether or not we really like ourselves. Depression, narcissism, and substance abuse have become the new “normal”. Misery continues to love company.  

An easy way out of this erroneous and out-dated style of thinking is to begin to perceive not just our bodies but our entire selves as pure organized energy. We are conduits for the energies of Universe, Cosmos, and Soul. We are channels that flow with purpose and fulfillment. We are energetic beings having a physical experience. We are guided and loved by Soul and the Universe more that we can ever imagine.

Realization of this most basic idea catapults our consciousness to a new realm of possibility. We are no longer a victim of circumstances as we own our position at the helm of our creative vessel. From here we can move forward toward the lives we were incarnated to live, rich with purpose, fulfillment, happiness, and prosperity. All things become possible. As above, so below. 

In summary it is the tone of our current mental energy that colors the canvas of our daily life. If all is well, keep going and keep reaching for even better feeling thoughts and more detailed pictures of what happiness looks like for you. If your interior landscape feels frustrated, overwhelmed, angry, sad, or ridden with guilt, focus on what is working in your life and use that inner encouragement to create a seed mantra to rescue yourself from going down the path to your destructive thoughts and feelings.

Mantras work. They bring you into the present moment which is the point from which the mind creates. They suffocate negativity and distorted beliefs, thoughts, and images that sabotage the progress you are looking to make in the physical realm. Mantras re-align your energy to a higher frequency and lock it into place. A good mantra can become a powerful tool when used in a timely manner. For best results adopt a process of catching yourself thinking negative thoughts, stop, then repeat the mantra either silently or aloud until you start to feel better. Do this every time you catch yourself focusing on something you don’t like or don’t want. As your energy shifts in the right direction you will find that your thinking and your experiences naturally become more positive. Once you master this most critical aspect of your being you will become an unstoppable force of happiness and success. 

Something that I always default to if I find myself spiraling into a mental frenzy is to focus on the fact that everything always works out and The Universe is always working on my behalf whether I am in a place to acknowledge that or not. Try this…

CEM Centering Mantra

“Everything always works out for me”.

“Everything always goes my way”.

“The Universe is working on my behalf every minute of every hour of every day”.

In order to maximize the power and potential of the mind it is best to have a plan. A plan for catching yourself when your thoughts start moving in the wrong direction and a plan for how to get them moving back towards your happiness. That is all you need to get started. Once you work with this simple mantra for even just a few days you will notice a difference. This strategy works because many people are already hard wired to believe that everything always works out the way it is supposed to anyway. This belief creates a bridge to other beneficial prompts and ideas and makes them easier to assimilate since they are connected with something that already feels right on a very fundamental level. Use it well and often! Happy creating!!!